Saturday, April 11, 2009

My wife

Have I said how much I appreciate/love/adore/admire/etc. my wife? Okay, so there's a hint: I do. She spear-headed this move to the PNW; okay, so I helped clarify "where" exactly. She went from working/full time mom/wife to full time stay at home mom. I'm proud of her.

I come home, and she does everything she can to take care of not only the kids but also me, too. She's finding hobbies (photography) and balance (I think) in what she likes and enjoys. Doing it all with style. Not to mention, I don't have to worry myself at all about who's taking care of my kids.

So, this post goes out to my wife, Dez, for just being her.

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. My husband want something... what is it? J/K!!! Thank you Baby, you are way too kind!
