Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So, my 2 year old says

"That's preposterous!" He says it correctly and in the right context. I have no idea where he got it, but it was a hoot hearing him say it.

Kids amaze. at the things they say.

What do your kids say that crack you up?

Thank God for blessings in disguise

So, I got ready to work, went to work and realized I had a comp day. I felt like Dante in that "I'm not even supposed to be here today" but vindicated in the fact I was not supposed to be there today.

I'm grateful today for small blessings. When these appear in your own life, please give grace to the One who gave it to you.

Thanks be to God.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Linux house

Yeah, so, we are a Linux house. I use www.pclinuxos.com and am quite okay with it. It's very versatile, works right away, you can try before you buy--oh, wait! You don't pay for it. It's Linux, which more times than not means free. There are only a few reasons to keep my old copy of Windows XP-in our house, main reason is Netflix. Yeah, it's unfortunate. I dove into Linux about a year ago, tried a few things to see what I liked. At the time, Ubuntu seemed nice. I stumbled on this distro, PCLinuxOS, and am very pleased. It just simply works. It's familiar, which I like. I'm not savvy in Linux at all. I Google what I need to figure out mostly, but I love the fact that it's free and versatile.

I am able to run Windows XP in the background using virtualbox. After doing so, I can run Windows only things. It's frustrating on this end because I believe things should be coded for more than one system. In the end, it's we who benefit. My thing is, why pay for decent software when you can get free stuff that works as well.

These days, I use variations from Open Office to cloud-based apps such as Google Docs or Zoho. I am a big Google user, actually. I love what they offer and the price in which they offer it. Free is hard to beat, after all, when you're living in the world as we know it today. When it comes to diapers or Windows 7, yeah, I'm opting for booty coverage. I know; I know. Windows 7 is available for almost a year at no cost. I tried it out. I liked it. At the same time, I'm not buying Vista to upgrade. I think that's asinine. I'm just sick of paying outrageous fees for marginal updates (Windows 7 imo is better than marginal, but I'm talking overall grand scheme of things and stuff).

Soon, I'll have a Linux-based gadget, the Nokia N810. I'll write about it as well. So far, so good on the Linux front. My buddy, Micah, introduced me to Linux a long time ago. Much different back then to how things are now. There are distros that most any common user could install or run from a Live CD, which won't change your computer at all unless you hit install. I tried out PCLinuxOS09 on my desktop recently to see how things worked. Well, it seemed to work just fine. And, it still is. Free. No upgrade costs; tons of software available.

Tech is good. God is great. You dig?

Friday, June 19, 2009


Dez here... I am contemplating what to do with my life. There are several options out there after Jason's mom comes up. So here they are... placed before you... a What should I do survey of sorts...

1. Pursue the photography career (which I plan on doing on at least a part time basis anyway), full force... because I am "good" at it? (yeah I am asking for HONEST opinions here)

2. Go back to work on a full/part time basis so that we can pursue a house... which is really high on my list of "dreams to complete".

3. Go back to school (which the only way I could do that is if I got a grant) to pursue my psych degree. If anyone out there wants to fund my college dreams just mail me a check...ha ha ha.

Those are my 3 main options... what do you think. LET me know!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Real Estate and sales

So, yeah, not talking about land. Unfortunately. We will someday, we hope. I'm talking about Cyber Real Estate. Domain names and web hosting, baby!

Yesterday, I could not sleep very well. I woke up early. Work had been stressful. I decided to purchase some "real estate" for Dez. I want her to be able to pursue her hobby as much as possible. In turn, I get to pursue one of mine-tech. It works out.

Dez Newcomb Photography is now live. It still needs some attention, but I think it's a good start. I love the fact we have a simple way of her being known/found. Dez enjoys pictures, making them. I want it to be something she can enjoy and perhaps get paid for enjoying. We're working on it. I'll be working on it some more momentarily.

The other part, I sold my Iphone. I was sad to do so, but I think the market is prime, and I don't need it. I found a gadget that will allow me to do what I want while maintaining my tech-y specs. I'm looking at the Nokia N810. I can do all the things I used the Iphone for and more. The "more" part is what is exciting. It's not terribly costly. It moves me away from Apple's stinginess. It's a Linux-run machine, which means sweet 3rd party applications. Eventually, I can see us running Linux exclusively. It's still challenging to me, but I use it on my old laptop. PCLinuxOS is a pretty easy transition for those of you interested in giving Linux a spin. Easy to use and simply works right away. I love free, no-hassle software.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home...???

This is Dez... venting about housing prices in Montana. This place, this AMAZING, beautiful, God created, magnificent place has to be my favorite place on the planet thus far. Over the last 8 months Our family has become so close, we have made friends and we really all feel at home here! I love the school Jakub goes to, it is fantastic. I love our friends and our church. We really love it here!

So what is my problem you may ask... The houses up here are so ridiculously priced they seem un-attainable. Run down Trailers that look like they could fall in are $200,000!!! From what I understand... we can blame Californians. Apparently they all sold their houses in CA and then moved up here and bought up as much land as they could for REALLY cheap and then INFLATED the market horribly.

Everybody dreams of having their own home... well that is my dream too. I have no problem with what God has blessed us with for the moment. Heck, we are living FREE right now and who could ask for better than that? I suppose I just want what every true blooded American wants... the ability to be able to buy a home. :) Maybe someday our dreams shall come to pass!