Monday, September 15, 2008

Last day of work

Well, spent about 6 hours at work, which is about 2 more than I anticipated. That's a good bit of paperwork. I got it done, though, and that's the main thing.
Leaving was bittersweet. I really enjoyed working with those folks and my clients. Never could I have asked for more support than what I received from my clients and co-workers. I'm extremely grateful.

I also heard from my future co-worker today about a place. We're hoping we can get it, but I'm a bit worried about finances. Leave it to the guy to stress about that. hah I remain faithful and trusting in God. I believe things will be fine. The human being part of me (gah, weak) would like to know what's going on, though.

God, thank You for all you do. I am amazed.
