Friday, March 26, 2010

My first Corinthian Shoot.

Tomorrow is my debut in Corinth... Pictures in the Park. I laught at myself as I say debut like I am a pro or something. I am FAR from it. I just really appreciate the support I am getting from my friends.

I was really nervous this morning when I got to work. I kept thinking... really? Do I really want to do this? What if you turn out to be a total flop? Preformance anxiety really gets me. Then I started thinking about the folks that I have tomorrow that are putting their trust in me as a photographer. I started imagining exiting things I could do with them for pictures. I really got super excited... for a while. I think after tomorrow, after breaking the ice on this, I will certainly be a lot more level headed about it.

I am certainly just trying to offer something that I would appreciate as a person wanting pictures. Quality, a fun experience and a Fabulous deal. After tomorrow I will have critics... other than the folks in the PNW. I think that is what scares me the most... having people accept me as I am. I am certain most everyone is afraid of that though.

So tomorrow, I put on my game face and head over to the park... Excited and terrified at the same time.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back in Corinth

It has been QUITE a while since I posted and updated. Not that folks out there don't know what is going on with us. We have officially settled back down into the South-lands of Corinth, Mississippi. I say back because for those of you that know us best KNOW we lived here forever before we left for Montana.
It has been a nice, humbling journey back to our "homeland". What I realized during all of this is that you should NEVER say NEVER. Never may just be right around the corner.