Monday, April 5, 2010

Diary of a Schizophrenic cat

I thought that this hilarious journey that we have had so far with Abby could be funny. Of course everything we have been through so far hasn't really hit our funny bone yet, but I am sure we will look back a laugh soon. So I am going to share a few of the back and forth e-mails so fat that we have had with the shelter.

Dez Newcomb:

Is Abby Rose still available? She is a beautiful cat, just what we are looking for!


Yes she is, let me know if you want me to put her on hold.

Dez Newcomb:

Really!?!? YAY!!! I would love to adopt her! My family and I are looking for a cat. She is beautiful. We just moved back here from Montana. I do not have an established vet yet. What can I do to get you a "vet reference"? Do I need to contact the vet I am planning on using? Will you be open tomorrow, if so can my children and I come and look at her? :0)

At this point the lady at the shelter calls to inform me that we can come and we set up a time to meet on Friday. We go and pick up the cat, who presents itself as the sweetest kitty on Earth... HONEST to GOD she hugged me. We were won over and we took her back home. We made a stop at PetSMART and got her a collar, tag and all the kitty stuff you have to have... The next day...

Dez Newcomb:

Was Abby abused? It is pretty apparent that she went through some sort of abuse. She is such a sweet cat, but so far tonight she has lashed out by biting, viciously so (and luckily it was my husband and I who got the brunt of it). It will help us to help her if we knew her background.

We think we have figured out her trigger. Both times our hands were raised slightly higher to reach out to pet her (we figure it looked like to her that we were going to strike her).

So far, she has fit in really well. Her ride home was great, she loved on everyone and was very calm. When we got home she felt the place out. We showed her where her food and litter box were going to be. Then she hid for a good 3-4 hours under the bed. We know that will be normal for a while.

She is incredibly loving when she doesn't feel threatened. It is going to be a patience thing. I have warned the kids about raising their hands high to pet her... get down on her level. We are hoping when she realizes she isn't going to be abused by us that she won't be so quick to attack.

Through the night...

Dez Newcomb:

She slept with Jakub and I... right on our heads. We had a petty bad thunderstorm here last night that woke us all up. I had to get the dogs into the garage. When I got back I found that she had tinkled and pooed on my bed. I have done research this morning and it says cats might do that under stress.

Jack (the little one who wanted a cat so bad) was loving on her this morning. He was being very soft with her, not loud in the least and she bit him on the back of the neck as he laid his head down beside her.

It isn't loving, playful biting at all. It is very vicious and intended to cause harm. We are going to give it another day or two. If it continues we are going to HAVE to bring her back just because she is unpredictable and I am scared she will hurt the kids.

It is just crazy how loving she is to have her "snap" like she does.



OMG this is not behavior that we have seen. By all means if it contioues we will take her back. as for her background we no notheing.. I am so sorry that it has turned out so difficult. Please be assured that we had no idea that this kind of behavior was in her. Is your son alright? Anything we can do to make this right let us know.

Dez Newcomb:

We had no incidents yesterday. She bit my mother-in-law today but didn't break the skin. I think I am the only one she has "gotten good".

She seems to be mellowing out a bit. She had no accidents today or yesterday, she is using the litter box. I am also keeping her contained to the living room and kitchen till I am certain she won't do her business on the beds anymore.

I really don't want to give up on her. She can be so sweet at times. I hope maybe once she realizes we aren't going to hurt her that she will calm down a bit more. I am going to give it till this time next week and let you know. I really think she is going to be fine.


Dear Dez.
It's wonderfull that you are willing to give her a chance to adjust. I am so glad that there were no incidents yesterday. It sounds as if you are doing everything right. All I can add is a little prayer for her. Please keep us informed as to her progeress.

Dez Newcomb:

Can you tell me when she was spayed? She still seems a little sensitive on her tummy. That may be par tof the problem too. If she was spayed in the last few weeks she might still hurt... heck, I know I would if I was in her shoes.

By mid week we are going to open the doors to the rest of the house to see how she does. I feel like I am writing a "Diary of a crazy, sweet, loving schizophrenic cat". She cracks me up.

I will send pictures soon.

So this is how we are doing so far... I am certain more will follow.