Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Year in the life of Dez...day 34

Winter has arrived...

Technically, by the calendar, it is still "fall". Yet, most of the nation, including us, have snow on the ground. In fact there are some places out there that don't usually get snow and are being blessed with the white stuff.

We have all kinds of snowy fun. Jakub has found a great love for the stuff. He would wallow around in it if I would let him. Now Jack...Jack not so much. He was so cute last year when he would step in 3 inches of snow. He would scream "I's Stuck, I's Stuck". A Memory I will always savor.

I haven't been skiing...I am afraid I will break my neck as clumsy as I am. We haven't had the delight of a snow-mobile ride yet either. Our winter sport is SLEDDING! We love it! Jakub and Jay went for a little bit yesterday before we had to run to Sandpoint. I think that it was more Jay pulling Jake around the woods though because we didn't have a whole ton of time.

I can say that I enjoy winter more this year. I am not scared of the roads like I was last year. I don't white knuckle drive anymore. I have learned the what to's and what not to's of snowy roads. I think maybe sometimes I am just a little too cocky though.

As my friend Susan says, our yard looks like something out of Narnia. The trees are weighted down with newly fallen snow. It's another fun thing we like to do when all cozied up. It doesn't take much to get the snow to fall out of the tree...just a little bump and the snow all falls down with enough force to sweep your hair for a few seconds. It's really fun to get someone that isn't suspecting anything... just a little knock and they are in snow covered fun.

As I was walking through the woods yesterday to take pictures the trees were having a snowy domino effect on one another. One would shed which would cause the next and so on and so forth. It was pretty... and COLD to experience.

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