Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Year in the life of Dez... Day 38

Lessons I have learned from Montana...

I was thinking the other night about how all of us have changed since we moved up to Montana. Jason has become more patient and understanding, he has truly found himself and is such a wonderful man. Jakub has learned to come out of his shell some, he makes friends easier. Jack has learned about life and has now spent more of his life (that he is aware of) here than "back home". Me, well I have learned many things from this beautiful, strange and free land. I decided I am going to take a few days to talk about the things I have learned and love.

Today I want to talk about freedom. Up here in the mountains people are so free to live how they really want to. They don't really worry much about the outside influences of political correctness, trends and keeping up with the Jones'. It is really like stepping into a different world. At first, being an outsider that was taught that everything must be neat and tidy, prim and proper and perfect in every way...I was judgmental. I looked at the "Po-dunk" towns here and snarled my nose. Seriously... was I supposed to live here. Yep, I was the outside snob... and those that know me...really, really know me...know I am not ANY kind of snob. I was one of the outsiders that PNW folks love to hate (Welcome to Montana... Now go home).

I was supposed to live in a 900 Sqft cabin in the middle of nowhere and be happy about it. The year before I snarled my nose up at a beautiful 1300 sqft house when we were house hunting in Corinth (it just wasn't big enough).

These folks DIDN'T hate us though. They accepted us with open arms.

So, what am I really rambling about here? I am saying that the people and the place have given me the freedom to not worry about what others think. SO WHAT if I don't have a big grand house. So WHAT if I buy clothes at Wal-mart. So What if I didn't iron my clothes before leaving the house, or I threw my hair up in a clip and didn't wear make-up. The people here still accepted me, nothing happened...I didn't one laughed or pointed fingers. I didn't shrivel up and die. I learned that all I really need is the people that love me, food on the table and a roof over my head.

Can you say you have that freedom? If not then evaluate WHY you don't and fix it. I am a ton happier today because I don't center my world around ME anymore. I am NOT what the world is all about... the people I love and care about are who I desire to make happy. The other person is myself. I have a LONG way to go before I really think I will be happy with me. I have a ton of wounds that still are not healed, no matter how much I say they are. These are wounds I have to work on and settle within myself. I AM trying.

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