Saturday, March 28, 2009


So, we have this dog. We got her almost 2 weeks ago now from the Panhandle Animal Shelter. We were very impressed with this place first of all. Extremely nice people and facility. We went in looking at two dogs, Brown Sugar and Willow. Willow won out because she seemed more intelligent and listened better. Both dogs were amazingly good with our kids. Willow was sweeter and prettier.

We get her in the truck and try to figure out a name for her. Jake ran through his usual Mississippi pet names such as Miley and Kiki to which we said no. He then offered up Hannah. I had thought about Hannah a lot actually. I like the name because it's a palindrome and also because there was a related story from one of our school kids. And, let's not forget Hannah Montana. Vital stuff since we are in Montana.

Apparently, she has a bit of separation anxiety. She barks a lot when we are not here. So much so that I am able to hear her at school. The problem is we have neighbors-all of whom we like and would like to maintain good relations. Barking became a problem.

Last night, we went to Walmart to find a bark collar. We got one and are in the process of trying this out. We hope it alleviates the barking so that we can maintain peace on all accounts.

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