Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In bloom

I know most folks are tired of hearing about me and photography. The thing is, I am just not tired of talking about it! I have so much excitement when it comes to getting out there and snap, snap, snapping! Now granted... Out of about 100 photo's I might get 3 or 4 that I feel really good about.

Jason has been really excited about my venture...though I think he is dreaming of the day when I can support the family on my ventures so that he can retire! You know what... I am okay with that. How can you say no to getting paid for something you LOVE to do... though, as of yet I have not gotten paid... someday...I know I will be good enough!

I went to the park yesterday with Jakub's Kindergarten class. They had their Kinder-Picnic. Yep, that's right folks...Jake graduates in 2 days... 2 DAYS!!! I am distraught
to say the least... yet totally excited at the same time. I met his soon-to-be first grade teacher that day too... she seems VERY nice.

As most mothers out there know, watching your children grow up can be a joyful and painful experience at the same time. Especially for someone as emotional as I am anyway. This Kindergarten graduation means that Next week... not literally... he will be graduating high school.

So here ya go... the pics from the picnic and I will have Grad pics in a couple of days... pray for me.

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