I have totally fallen off the blog wagon in recent months. With our huge move back, searching for a home, work, establishing this "business", doing free lance and being wife and mommy it has been kinda difficult to find the time and to figure out what to write about. If you know me well then you know how totally scatter brained I am. Sometimes it's hard for me to form a complete sentence anyway...now, what was I saying?
I keep wondering what YOU would actually be interested in reading about. My life most certainly isn't a "superstars" life or anything that would keep the tabloids rolling. In fact, I...we... are really simple people.
So I suppose I could talk about my journey to become more like my good friend Sharon Palmer. I want to be one of those people who are considerate and caring. One of those people who never sit, are always up doing...one of the people that everyone admires because they care about their fellow man so much that they would quickly jerk the shirt off their own back to clothe them. I want to be a person who doesn't complain, who doesn't seek out the negative and who, at any given time when given a bushel of lemons, can make tons of lemonade.
I could discuss how difficult it is to start up a business. My dream is to one day be able to make a living on my photography. I want to travel the world... have a winter and summer home and give my kids all the opportunities that I NEVER even thought of as a kid. This is NOT to say I want my kids to be those spoiled rotten brats that feel like they have to have everything RIGHT NOW. In Fact, my kids are going to be those kids that drive the green car named "booger" because Mom and Dad think its IDIOTIC for them to drive $30,000 SUV's at 16. But thats for an entirely different day I think.
I could discuss the fact that we are looking for a home church. There are several we have visited and several more we plan on visiting ( Waldron Street Christian and First Presbyterian ) in the next few weeks. We want somewhere that we feel comfortable, that we feel led and that we believe would be the place we worship till the day we die. I am tired of not getting what I need spiritually. So we have become pro-active in our search.
For now, I believe that's a good start. So tell me... what do you want to read about?
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