Weight loss has been a thorn in my side for... well what seems like forever. I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I was especially so after I had Jakub. I reached 250-260 pounds while I was pregnant with him. I lost most of it... then gained a bunch back... When I started working on my weight the last time I weighed 235-240 pounds. I lost down to 180 and then got pregnant with Jack. Now, granted, I am not nearly that large now.
I had a rough time this past summer with my thyroid, low iron and stress. I gained about 20 pounds in a matter of a few months. I would say having a thyroid problem is pretty much a trek through Hell. You gain weight, lose hair, feel like someone has tapped out your energy...your emotions are whack... you have 2-3 periods a month and you honestly feel heinous. I joke and say the reason I went through it is because I made fun of Oprah when she said all her weight issues were due to her thyroid...I would tell her, TO HER FACE (yeah, on tv) that she needed to put down the CAKE!!! So, That's when I started going through it. Having horrible menses also depleted me of iron... I became anemic. When I finally made it to the doctor I was put on Iron and thyroid meds and sent on my way.
It wasn't long before I was feeling better, but the weight still kept creeping up. I quit taking the thyroid meds. Luckily for me my body seemed to straighten itself out. I don't really know what caused the thyroid issues... I have a theory that it was a combination of my breast reduction and my tubal Ligation... all in the span of 10 months. So, I was feeling better and my weight stopped rising.
That was about the time that we moved to Montana. So stress and pure laziness have kept me from even trying to work on my weight. Up until a couple of months ago that is. I started a weight loss challenge for myself on facebook. I had several people sign up with me to either lose along with me or encourage me. It wasn't very long that the group kinda went southward and now no one visits it anymore.
Since I started this challenge in February I have lost 10 pounds. I know that isn't that much, but I have not been very committed to it either. Over the last few months I think that my prayers are being heard...and things seem to be coming into persepctive. I have stopped several of my little quirky habits that I figured I would have till I died. Then about two days ago I started exercising. I kept thinking how rediculous it was for me to be sitting here in the house on my fat bottom not doing anything about my weight. I can't help but think of Bette Midler in Ruthless People making the best of her confinement and working her toosh off... Literally.
I don't have to be fat. I don't have to live like this anymore. Heck, why have I been??? So I am really gonna do it this time...you'll see!! (Less of ME)
I definitely support you. I'm proud you found some inner strength to keep it going. :) Good for you! I love you!