Sunday, March 29, 2009


Yeah so you would think I would get used to the sound of a childs gurgling vomit in the middle of the night. I heard it about 100 time with Jakub as a baby. He was the one who would "varmit" over EVERYTHING. There were many nights that I woke up to that sound and dodging it just as it hit my pillow. Many nights that I have stripped a bed, thrown a kid in the bathtub and started loads of laundry at 2-3-4 in the morning. All because Jakub had a VERY weak stomach and super sensitive gag reflex.

Jack-man has never been one to fact, he has never vomited...till last night. Why did he do it? I have no idea. There was no fever, and afterward he seemed just fine.

Yet again, I had uncanny hearing and dodged the "varmit" just as it hit my pillow. But with this child it didn't stop at that. He continued to puke all over the bed...and me...mummmm.

Jason, pooooor Jason, has NO STOMACH for "varmit". He has always just stood there in a panicked state praying to God that he doesn't follow in suite (he describes the kids vomit as "vivid nightmarish quality"). He doesn't do well at all in situations where bodily excretions "smell". He can't handle it. So, that leaves me to "Mommy up" and keep my own gag reflexes under control. I am really good under pressure when it comes to my men.

So I Mommied up last night, actually this morning at about 4AM. The bed was stripped in a matter of Moments. The Child was stripped, washed and back in bed in a matter of 30 minutes. I can thank Jason and Jake for putting new linens on the bed. That really helped!

Jack is doing fine this morning. He is awake, no temp, asking for milk (I cringed). I think I have my Vomit PTSD in check. No ticks or flashbacks...well except when he asked for more milk. I just thought I would share with y'all one of my many Mommy super-powers. Now, go ahead and laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it was pretty disgusting. The smell is the most overwhelming factor for me. Something about digested milk that leaves the body...
