Sunday, May 31, 2009

Camping, Montana, peace of God

So, finally, I reached my week's end. I was pretty stressed going into my last day. Not only did I not feel well but also I was frustrated with being asked tons of questions. In retrospect, I should have addressed this right away. That's how we do things at work. In any event, thanks to the help of my co-workers, I survived.

Today, it was ultra hard waking up and getting going. This is often my case after my work week. Last night, I stayed up late, got a few paperwork type things completed. Went to church this morning and really enjoyed the message. Our pastor asked for prayer. Given all of our experiences with preachers and us liking them, my first thought dealt with him leaving. These days, I support that if that's what He wants for Pastor Eric and his family. He's a solid guy, good preacher/teacher. The old days, however, I would have struggled with this. I'm excited. We have given them Jack's old stuff that he's outgrown. We're going over to their house tomorrow to eat and hang out. Pretty positive stuff, if you ask me.

I asked our pastor if the church would like a web site; he said they were working on one. I explained I do some of that for just kicks and only tend to use free stuff. I went to the site, and it had a "coming soon" message attached. There are plenty of decent quality tools out there for free. So, my thoughts were why have the church pay?

Yeah, looks like we're going camping. Jake has recovered from his previous Sunday temper tantrum. I told him if he did that at church again, he would go up in front of everyone and apologize. I'm hoping this camping trip works out all right. We're going to a local spot, just a few miles away. My thoughts are if it's horrible, we won't be far from home. Hard to say with 2 little ones.

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Oh, Canada!"

So, we went international yesterday. First time as a family. First time using the new passport cards. The experience was nothing like what we had heard at the border. In fact, things went quickly. It seemed to take a tiny bit longer coming back into the US than it did going into Canada; other than that, it was flawless and painless.

We ventured to Cranbrook after passing through Creston. The feel for both places was that we weren't in Kansas anymore, Toto. There was a Euro-flavor to both. Nice layers of housing, winding roads, quaint towns. We weren't sure of the exchange rate but discovered that we spent less usually by pennies (once or twice by dollars).

The best thing about the trip to me was the togetherness. We saw beautiful waters and an amazing Rocky Mountain skyline. Sorry, folks back home, but Rockies smoke the Smokey Mountains. Pun intended. Peaks are much higher, more rigid. Snow still sits atop many of them as well, which only adds to the beauty.

We bought a few touristy things. Jake and Jack love their Canadian hats. Jack exclaimed, "Canadians!" often throughout the day. Dez and my strategy was to pretend we're local. Dez admitted that it would work until she opened her mouth. :)


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dez Newcomb Photography

Please check out Dez's site for her photos here.

Our Graduate!

I (we) are so proud of Jake and his year. He went through a lot, from moving to changing schools FOUR times in the course of the year. Still, he did well overall. Congratulations, buddy!

Enjoy the movie!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In bloom

I know most folks are tired of hearing about me and photography. The thing is, I am just not tired of talking about it! I have so much excitement when it comes to getting out there and snap, snap, snapping! Now granted... Out of about 100 photo's I might get 3 or 4 that I feel really good about.

Jason has been really excited about my venture...though I think he is dreaming of the day when I can support the family on my ventures so that he can retire! You know what... I am okay with that. How can you say no to getting paid for something you LOVE to do... though, as of yet I have not gotten paid... someday...I know I will be good enough!

I went to the park yesterday with Jakub's Kindergarten class. They had their Kinder-Picnic. Yep, that's right folks...Jake graduates in 2 days... 2 DAYS!!! I am distraught
to say the least... yet totally excited at the same time. I met his soon-to-be first grade teacher that day too... she seems VERY nice.

As most mothers out there know, watching your children grow up can be a joyful and painful experience at the same time. Especially for someone as emotional as I am anyway. This Kindergarten graduation means that Next week... not literally... he will be graduating high school.

So here ya go... the pics from the picnic and I will have Grad pics in a couple of days... pray for me.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ponderings of the good stuff

Ahhhhh, inhale deeply; exhale even more deeply. I made it. Another week down and two wonderful days to spend with my family fully. This is what I live for these days. I enjoy work; I enjoy my family even more so. They mean something. They being my family, time off work, time at home. These are important. These are special.

One of my coworkers stated it best, I think. He said he was still trying to find a way to be "gainfully unemployed." Amen, my brother. That's what I'm after, too. I want to enjoy the time I have and spend it doing cool things like watching my kids, playing with the dog, riding together, having tickle fights. Heck, I love just looking up at Big Sky. Not a bad way to spend time if you ask me.

I spent so much time over the last 10 years playing video games, avoiding stress, avoiding reality. I spent time away from the things that are important to me. I never realized until I moved here and was talking with one of our students. I came home that evening and apologized to Dez for being an addict. I lived in denial.

Now, I try to figure out things we can all do together. Church, friends, riding, hanging out at the park. Much more enjoyable to me. We try to include our dual-named dog; I see her being stubborn; I see Willow winning out over Hannah. I'm grateful that Dez is taking pictures and has taken pictures over the years. We try hard to maintain backups and backups of backups. Why? Because it's important.

So, we're ready for church; then, we're hanging with some friends, riding and grilling. Not at the same time, mind you, but still . . . you get the idea. The present is important. I try to live here now. I get sidetracked often, but I'm grateful to God that I make it back to what's important, here and now.

Here's to all you picture-takers out there, amateur and professional. I appreciate you taking the time to capture the things that are important: snapshots of the here and now.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Wow, I had the most FABULOUS Mother's Day ever. I have to say that, in my opinion, I have the greatest family in existence. We really had tons of fun and I was spoiled tremendously.

I woke up that morning to my oldest son, Jakub, giving me a kiss and wishing me a Happy Mothers Day. He wasn't prompted at all...and he is 5!!! We all got u
p and made pancakes...the guys cleaned up the kitchen and the ENTIRE house for me. We missed church so we caught a message on TV before heading out.

I packed sammys and we had a picnic in the park, a nice walk on the river and a great time playing on the playground. Even Willow/Hannah ( still goes back and forth) had her fun at sliding, now that was a hilarious sight to see! Jason even went down a few times...Ah, it is fun to be free.

After that we went exploring a little bit. we went to two different areas in Kootenai National Forrest. The last area we went to had to be the best spot for us. It was a little area in Rock Creek where we could climb down into the cool settled pools of a mountain spring. The kids and the dog LOVED that. Behind this area was a creek that was flowing ferociously... Yet the water was so clear you could see to the bottom.

When we finally got back home our neighbors, the Palmers, came over and invited us on a ride. So we loaded the kids up on the 4 wheeler and went on a 20 mile (I think round trip) ride to the top of a mountain. It was called Beaver Creek Peak. You could see the entire valley from there and I DIDN'T HAVE MY CAMERA. The funniest part of this trip was the fact that it was really bumpy and add that to the open air of the 4 wheeler... going 20-40 MPH... Jack Fell ASLEEP. I had to hold him up half the way up and all the way down. When we got back to Chad and Sharon's house he wakes up. So Jason asks him... "You ready to go for our ride?" and he shakes his head yes... we all cracked up. He is so funny.

I hope all of you had the great day that we did. Happy Mothers Day to all of you out there...even if the wish is a bit late.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

After a "work" week without him, Jason will be home for the next two days. When he is gone...even for 8 hours, he is missed tremendously. The boys are constantly asking... "What time is it, when will Daddy be home". Sometimes it bruises my ego... But I have pretty much let that go. What I would like to blog about today is the fact that I am one of the fortunate ones.

There are so many mothers and kids out there that are trying to make it on their own without having a man in the house. I am a firm believer in having a father in the house. So many kids now a days are being raised without that fatherly love and discipline. I really feel so very sorry for these children. I look at Jason with tremendous love and respect (yes I do baby) these days. He works hard at work and then comes home to a full time job of Father/Husband. He is terrific at it, and the kids LOVE him for it.

So even though tomorrow is Mothers Day, I want Jason to know that he is truly loved and missed when he is gone. He is AMAZING and I am sooooo very lucky to have him...sorry Ladies, the best is off the market.

Jakub graduates in 8 days... Mon-Thurs then Mon-Thur (graduation day). I suppose I should clarify that this is his Kindergarten graduation. I am preparing myself for the waterworks... I am one of the most emotional people you will ever meet.

We anxiously are awaiting Dad's visit in July... and also us coming to Corinth for just a little while. The boys and I are planning on boarding a plane and heading in a Nashvegasly direction on the 18th.

Speaking of boy (s) we gotta remember Jack-man. He is growing so fast. Like I have said 4 year old trapped in a 2 year old body. He is so smart and funny... learns everything from his brother. They have been posing for my portfolio... I think they are getting used to hearing "okay, stand here, look natural but LOOK AT ME!!!" :)

Me, I am taking pictures just about every day... you can check them out on Flickr. Just click that little link right over --------------------------------------------------------------------------->

I hope you all have a Happy Mothers Day. God Bless all of our mothers!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Being Appreciative

"When life gives you lemons...", Well we all know how to answer that one. Though, sometimes it takes us a long while to realize that Lemons aren't really what we have. Maybe something even finer, like Grapes to make wine.

Since moving to Montana I have come to realize the "grapes" that I have in life. In fact, it isn't just a stem of them, I have an entire grape orchard. Being up here, on our own, we have learned to appreciate one another even more.

I watched a movie last night, it was called "Into the Wild". It was pretty much about a guy who was trying to escape problems with his parents and issues he had with himself. So he takes a long journey, over the span of 2 years and disappears from everything he knows to find true happiness in solitude in Alaska. Only, in the end, he realizes true happiness must be shared.

The movie also touches on being ourselves, 100% and what are we really trying to prove to the world when we buy the fanciest cars... best houses...highest education, so on and so forth. Power is an illusion that most of us know can disappear in a matter of moments... Look a all the HUGE POWERHOUSE companies that have had to be bailed out by government.

I guess I came away from the movie with a better appreciation of what I have. Can I tell you about it?

First, My family is AMAZING. My husband, he is so truly wonderful and GOD sent. I am so madly in love with him. He is patient, kind, loving, forgiving, funny and works hard. His ethic is one that most people don't see anymore. The best part, He is mine... my partner for life.

My kids, wow, what can I say about them. They teach me lessons daily about pure love and patience. They make my heart ache when I think of them... In a good way... sometimes in an "they are getting so big and will hate me one day" way... which causes me sorrow sometimes. But you aren't a mother unless your children make you cry over them growing up.

I never understood unconditional love before I had kids... now not only do I feel it for them, but my husband and even myself now as well.

Second appreciation... I am a Christian. I believe. Look where we are, MONTANA. Would I be where I am today with out someone looking over me. I have tons of angels watching over my shoulder every day. I can imagine them sitting on my couch and laughing at me sometimes for my silliness and insecurities. I imagine they talk to God a lot on my behalf. I am a "pray-er". I am constantly in contact with the Head Honcho... praising him mostly for my family... and then other times asking for answers in my daily walk.

Third, there is a roof over my head, a vehicle in my drive, food on my table, clothes on my back... and we even have toys to play with. Not everyone can say that. I AM FORTUNATE. I am alive AND happy! I feel badly for those out there that can't see what they have in front of them. Heck, it may not be much and you could be in that dark time in your life...but you know what, it does get better, life is worth living, relax and be free.

I suppose I have gotten to a point in this particular blog when I don't know where else to go with it. So I will relay the happenings in our life...

Jakub had his spring concert last night. He was so handsome up on the stage singing and dancing to Doe, a deer, a female deer... He actually SANG! I am so proud of him. Oh, and he informed me that he told a girl in his class that she was his "girlfriend". It cracks me up... HE IS IN KINDERGARTEN!!! Speaking of which, they graduate May 21st...which I am sure will make me cry, ah what a pain it is to be an emotional human :)

Jack is growing, getting big. He still manages to crack me up on a daily basis. Oh, and he has become my lazy-bum. He stays up late with us and sleeps in till noon. Ahhh the life of a toddler!

We had our first thunder/lightning storm in seven months last night. It is funny the things you miss when you don't have them. God knew I needed a little piece of home and blessed me with that last night. Now If I can just find some way for catfish to fall from the sky, and all of you...:)
We appreciate all the prayers sent our way. We also want everyone to know that we love you all.